Vocations are of interest and concern to us all. We know that marriage, priesthood and Religious Life, and the single life, are not just social conventions. They are the particular ways the Lord calls us to serve in the Church and in society.
July is a special month of Vocations Awareness for we Rosminians. 1st July, the anniversary of our Founder’s death, is our main Feast Day.
It used to be the Feast of the Precious Blood of Jesus and so draws our attention to the Lord’s offering of his life for us on the Cross and to our receiving of Jesus in the Eucharist.
To offer and receive is big part of the rhythm of our Christian life. Offering our lives, in complete abandonment to the will of God, is what we Rosminians try to do. Some people see this as a restriction of life. But letting go of, or abandoning, our own natural preferences leads not to a narrowing but to a broadening of life. We receive a deeply satisfying freedom.
Young people, as you discern your pathway in life we encourage you to pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance. If you feel drawn to offering your all, to joyfully taking up any mission asked of you, with a heart and mind of charity, then don’t be shy to talk with us about your Vocation or to contact Fr Chris at St Peter’s.
And to you all, please pray for Vocations to the Institute of Charity and the Rosminian Sisters of Providence. We are few in number but agile in our readiness to serve.
Thank you.