June, the Month of Sacred Heart
When you see the image of a heart, what will you link it to? Love. When you see the Sacred Heart of Jesus, what does it tell you? The Heart of GOD and His Love for you. Do not be surprised. Yes, this is Our God. He created us from His Own Image, He gave us this world to live in and be the masters of all His other creations, He also wants us to understand how much He Loves us. Jesus once said to Sr Josefa Menendez: "How often in the course of the ages have I, in one way or another, made known My love for men: I have shown them how ardently I desire their salvation. I have revealed My Heart to them…” Our sweetest Blessed Lord, not only feeds us with His whole Body and Blood (in the form of the Eucharist), He also holding His tender Heart out for us, showing His ever-burning Love for mankind. If you are willing to get closer, His Love will ‘melt’ your heart. But how do we response? Sadly, as St Margaret Mary Alacoque said to Jesus: “…O my Lord, what have You not done to win the hearts of men, and yet they refuse You and often drive You from them!” Jesus replied: “It is true, My daughter, that My love has made Me sacrifice everything for them, and they make Me no return…” Do you see? This is Our God, longing and inviting His beloved creation to only give Him some, just some return of love. But we return Him with nothing but ingratitude: by the contempt, irreverence, sacrileges and coldness we treated His Sacred Heart. Let us make this month a ‘Month of Love’, for ourselves and for the repentance of sinners, to return our little love for His Love, to console His Sacred Heart which is so wounded…