Pope Francis’ first World Youth Day speech: ‘God’s heart beats uniquely for you’
Pope Francis told the 500,000 young people in the crowd: “Dear friends, there is a happiness that Jesus has prepared for you,
for each of you: It does not come from accumulating things but from putting your life on the line. The Lord says also to each of you:
‘Go, for there is a world that needs what you, and you alone, can give it.” As young people waved flags from the more than 190 nations
represented at this year’s WYD welcome ceremony, Pope Francis said: “We have been called because we are loved.”
“In God’s eyes, we are precious children, and he calls us each day in order to embrace and encourage us, to make of us a unique
and original masterpiece whose beauty we can only begin to glimpse...let us help one another to recognize this reality;
may these days be vibrant echoes of that loving call of God, because we are precious in God's eyes,
despite what our eyes sometimes see, despite what our eyes are sometimes clouded by negativity
and dazzled by so many distractions,” he said. Unlike social media algorithms that associate a name with likes and preferences,
God truly knows each person’s uniqueness, the pope told the young people, adding: “God’s heart beats uniquely for you.”
(Catholic News Agency)