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God's Love for You - Sunday 9th February 2025

Webmaster • February 7, 2025

Christian Charity (1)

There is an instinct within us which draws us to love persons and things that can make ourselves happy or are useful for us. However, the love with which the Christian loves, is different. Only the love which brings us to God has a lasting, universal, objective value. Our will, clinging to God's Will, acquires the value of God's Will. This is Christian love, in another word, charity. What is God's Will? It is God's love for the things He created and governs and allows to share in the good which only in Him is infinite. Thus Jesus wants the Father to see Him in each of us, and to love us with the same love. It shows us what our love for our neighbour should be like - love all. You may object: how can we love them all? Jesus loved everyone though, even the unworthy. It does not seek its own pleasure, but the good of others. Like the mother's love for all her children, even the wicked and the deformed. Blind love we call it, but none of us dares to condemn it. It is love whose motive lies in itself, not in the qualities of the beloved; it is love which creates good in the one it loves. Jesus loves us all in this way, each and everyone. Therefore, when we see the misfortune or evils in our neighbour's life, we should first have compassion and sanctify it with the love of Christ, instead of dislike, despise, criticise or hate with arrogance and pride. As Jesus in the Gospel gave way to compassion and wept without going to search for distress in his neighbour; but wherever He happened to notice it, He was moved by it, and when He was asked He helped. Thus, we are placing ourselves and the whole world under the Providence of God. When we are led by this intention of obeying the divine will and pleasing Jesus Christ, we do not resist natural compassion, but increase it wisely in ourselves. In this way, we build up true charity. There are three kinds of charity: Temporal charity (help our neighbour in matters which pertain to this temporal life). Intellectual charity (help our neighbour to cultivate his mind and develop his intellectual faculties). Moral and spiritual charity (help our neighbour in matters pertaining to the salvation of his soul; the former dispose a man to fulfil his moral duties; the latter elevated to the supernatural order and allows a man to adhere to God).

(Reference: 'Rosminian Spirituality: In the Spirit of the Founder', Fr Giovanni Gaddo, 1971)

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During the Annunciation, when Angel Gabriel told Mary: "Hail, you that are highly favoured! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women.", and Mary responded to God's Invitation with her 'fiat'. Would you think that being the Mother of God means that she became more superior than others and from then on it will be a 'happily ever after'? No. In fact, quite the opposite, because 'Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.' (Matt 23:12) Since then, Our Lady, when she was on earth, together with Our Blessed Lord, lived in the most sorrowful life until the day she died: From her long and hard journey to Bethlehem even though she was heavily pregnant, being rejected by every household that they wished to stay; to ending up sheltered in a dark cold cave with the animals and gave birth to her Son in a stable. From receiving the heartpiercing prophecy from Simeon which stayed in her mind for the rest of her life; follow by setting off on another harder, much more longer, life-threatening journey across the desert to go to Egypt, with Baby Jesus still being carried in her arms, in order to escape from the hands of Herod; to became a refugee in Egypt for 7 long years. From discovered that her Child has gone missing and went to search for Him for three days, to being a young widow after St Joseph died. From being separated from her only Child as He went to began to ministry, to tolerating the criticisms and despising from others and the locals about her beloved Son. But her sorrow reached its peak during her Son's Passion. Yet in every trials and sufferings, her action resonated her 'fiat' to God, until the very end. She closely took part in the Works of Salvation, by uniting her pain and sorrow with the Merits of her Son. This Lent, let our penitential mind recall the Passion of Christ, whom suffered the unimaginable for our sake, but also remember this sorrowful Mother, who in her free will, offered her pain for us. Let what they have done for us be our strength and courage to truly reject the sins in our lives, and let their examples be the comfort and consolation in our own sufferings. Let's accompany Mary to meditate on Jesus' Passion, who both love us so much, as their own little children.
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Opening Times Saturday : Before and after 5.30pm Mass Sunday : Before and after 9.30am Mass until 11.30am Mass begins We have a selection of Easter cards, Mother’s Day cards and gifts,  items for Jubilee Year and Bl Carlo Acutis, and more.
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Wednesday 19th March Mass at 10am All are welcome! Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so prompt, so strong, before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. St Joseph, Pray for us!
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“As he was praying, the appearance of his face was altered, and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were talking with him, Moses and Elijah…” (Luke 9:29-30) O God, who have commanded us to listen to your beloved Son, be pleased, we pray, to nourish us inwardly by your word, that, with spiritual sight made pure, we may rejoice to behold your glory. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God,  for ever and ever. Amen
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Family Fast Day is on Friday 14th March with the collection on the weekend of Sunday 15th/16th March .  Envelopes and prayer cards are available this weekend at the back of the church. Your donations will help hard working people overseas to support them with resources, tools and training to stay safe and feed their families.
By Webmaster March 8, 2025
LENT is a special time of the year It is an opportunity for us all to grow and come closer to our Lord. The time of Lent is especially important for the Stations of the Cross , we shall have it at 6.00pm which may suit people better. An extra Mass in the week is a big blessing, as we can dedicate it to our family or those we know who are ill. Let us be generous in giving something from our favourite luxury to the needy. We are led to pray more , to sacrifice something at this time. So how about thinking more creatively? Give up some TV time or screen time on the mobile, and read the Bible or a prayer magazine. Change our TV time to looking at ‘ The Chosen ’, a You tube film series about the gospels of Jesus which has been highly acclaimed. Go for a prayer walk and visit a Church or say the Rosary as we walk along. Just some thoughts to make our lives more Catholic,  more spiritual.
By Webmaster March 8, 2025
“The devil took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said to him, ‘To you I will give all this authority and their glory...If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours.’ And Jesus answered him, ‘It is written, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only shall you serve.” ’ (Luke 4:5-8) Each temptation that Jesus faces offers insight into the spirituality we hope to develop as we keep the forty days of the season of Lent. We can trust God to provide for our material needs. We worship God because God alone has dominion over us and our world. We can trust God to be faithful to His promises. Jesus’ rejection of the devil’s temptations shows that he will not put God to the test.  Grounding himself on the Word and authority of Scripture, Jesus rebukes the devil by his confidence in God’s protection and faithfulness.
By Webmaster March 8, 2025
Eucharistic Adoration from Monday to Friday after 10am Weekday Mass until 11.30am On Friday is the Rosary for Life 11am - 11.30am
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