Christian Charity (1)
There is an instinct within us which draws us to love persons and things that can make ourselves happy or are useful for us. However, the love with which the Christian loves, is different. Only the love which brings us to God has a lasting, universal, objective value. Our will, clinging to God's Will, acquires the value of God's Will. This is Christian love, in another word, charity. What is God's Will? It is God's love for the things He created and governs and allows to share in the good which only in Him is infinite. Thus Jesus wants the Father to see Him in each of us, and to love us with the same love. It shows us what our love for our neighbour should be like - love all. You may object: how can we love them all? Jesus loved everyone though, even the unworthy. It does not seek its own pleasure, but the good of others. Like the mother's love for all her children, even the wicked and the deformed. Blind love we call it, but none of us dares to condemn it. It is love whose motive lies in itself, not in the qualities of the beloved; it is love which creates good in the one it loves. Jesus loves us all in this way, each and everyone. Therefore, when we see the misfortune or evils in our neighbour's life, we should first have compassion and sanctify it with the love of Christ, instead of dislike, despise, criticise or hate with arrogance and pride. As Jesus in the Gospel gave way to compassion and wept without going to search for distress in his neighbour; but wherever He happened to notice it, He was moved by it, and when He was asked He helped. Thus, we are placing ourselves and the whole world under the Providence of God. When we are led by this intention of obeying the divine will and pleasing Jesus Christ, we do not resist natural compassion, but increase it wisely in ourselves. In this way, we build up true charity. There are three kinds of charity: Temporal charity (help our neighbour in matters which pertain to this temporal life). Intellectual charity (help our neighbour to cultivate his mind and develop his intellectual faculties). Moral and spiritual charity (help our neighbour in matters pertaining to the salvation of his soul; the former dispose a man to fulfil his moral duties; the latter elevated to the supernatural order and allows a man to adhere to God).
(Reference: 'Rosminian Spirituality: In the Spirit of the Founder', Fr Giovanni Gaddo, 1971)