We probably know the Three Kings followed that special star which they observed, in order to find the newborn King and pay homage to Him. But their journey from home to Bethlehem was not widely known. First of all, it was a journey about 30 days. Also, the Three Kings did not depart by themselves, as each had their own group accompanied them including nobles and servants, with camels, caravans, animals and big baggage. Although it was such long journey, but their joyful hearts were filled with devotion, they sometimes sang together along the way and their sweet songs resonated in the air. Like a big Pilgrimage group, to visit the new King whom they and their ancestors have waited for so long. They even often travelled at night, how eager they wanted to meet Him sooner! But their journey to meet Jesus also needed to go through trials, because they realised the people in the Jewish cities that they passed know nothing about the Child. Worse still, the star seemed disappear before Jerusalem. The Kings became very worried and wondered if they have got it all wrong. Although some did heard about it but they from the mouths of the poor and ignorant, some even laughed at them… But they prayed and got their courage back. After they met Herod and left Jerusalem, the star appeared again, so they happily went on their journey. Eventually the star disappeared at Bethlehem, and the Kings' anxious once more, but finally they saw a light rising over the Crib area and found the cave entrance. They were overjoyed. Supernatural light filled the cave, and with the royal ceremony the Kings with their groups took turn to enter the cave to adore and prayed to the Child and presented their gifts: gold, incense and myrrh. No words or streaming tears could express the joy, emotion and love towards Our Saviour they all experienced at that moment...Even with the star's guidance, Three Kings' searching has been long and hard, although they were Gentiles but with faith they persevered and finally found their hearts' desire - the King of all Kings. This Epiphany, let us pray that in the midst of all these hardships and turmoil in our lives, we will also find the Source of Love and Joy within our hearts - Jesus Christ.
(Reference: The life of Jesus Christ and biblical revelations, Volume I, Ven Anne Catherine Emmerich, Tan Books & Publishers, 1986)