Christian Hope (4)
Hope is a desire, is a yearning. Christian Hope desires the everlasting life and God's Kingdom in Heaven. A hope that we rely on the help of Holy Spirit's Grace instead on our own human strength. A hope which trusting in the Promise of Christ Jesus. When and what did Jesus promised us? When He told us 'The Beatitudes'. They are the promises which give us hope during tribulations, and raise the hope in our hearts toward our Eternal Home. Therefore, this Hope leads us to behave differently compare to those who do not have hope. Because it gives us courage, confidence and support in the midst of trials, sufferings, abandonment and in situations that we need to defend our faith. It can even gives us joy in those difficult or horrific times. Our fathers and ancestors were brave when confessing and became witnesses to our faith in front of the pagans; and martyrs became fearless and even singing hymns when they walk towards the colosseum or when they were being persecuted. Ah, Hope sustained them in their fears, because they know this life is not the end as Eternal Life awaits for them. "And be not afraid of those who kill the body, but cannot kill the soul." (Matt 10:28) Therefore, we Christians live in Hope, walk this pilgrim journey in Hope and die in Hope. Remember, God has already given us 'His Word', so our Christian hope is assured. Jesus also told us: "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." (Matt 28:20) Even in this pilgrim journey on earth, He has not left us as orphans; so do not be afraid, persevere in fighting the good fight and finish the race. (2 Tim 4:7)
(Reference: Catechism of the Catholic Church #1717, #1817, #1818, #1820)