Child: Why do we celebrate Christmas? What is the meaning of Christmas?
Mother: Christmas is the time we celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ, because God loves us and sent His only Son as a Saviour into the world so that we can have life through Him. But if you thinks that is because people from over 2000 years ago had loved God so much or people in the past had done something very great or everybody has lots of virtues, so God was very happy and started to love us, then that is not true. God loved us first. In fact, God loved you before you are born. We love because He first loved us. In our weakness and sinfulness, Our God still loves us. He sought us as a shepherd seeks a lost sheep, to save us from our sins and from eternal death. Out of His Love for us the Son of God left all of His kingdom behind and came down to man - a king to become a baby. Although He is The One who steers the Sun and Moon and stars in their courses, but He became a baby whose tiny hands were not even long enough to touch the huge heads of the cattle in the stable...He came down from Heaven and took our human nature, not to make us become nice people but to make us new man, change our natures of being just creatures to become children of God by lifting us up - to make us other sons of God, to make us more than just human beings. That is the meaning of Christmas.
Child: But mum, I know some people laughed about Christmas, saying that they cannot be saved because they have been very bad...
Mother: My dear, Jesus also once said He does not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Even though we fail and we fall and we don’t deserve any of His blessings but His love for us is like an endless ocean that through His Mercy we are saved. If that person thinks that he is so filthy and being a beast all these times, then remember Jesus was laid in a manger inside a cold, damp and filthy cave where his companions were beasts...So let that be our hope, our joy, our peace, our Merry Christmas!
Child: What shall I do to prepare for Christmas then?
Mother: Through Confessions, through works of charity, through being patience, kind and gentle to people you meet, through your desires of love to ask Baby Jesus to come into your heart. Then attend the Christmas Mass or Vigil Mass to celebrate 'His Birthday'. In the Christmas stable, think of our little Baby Jesus with His open arms, saying to you: I love you. Do you still remember me? Could you love Me too?