Benefits of our prayers to the Holy Souls
The Holy Souls desperately need our prayers to be released from Purgatory because they cannot help themselves and would be ever so grateful for our help. One night, St Nicholas of Tolentino saw a suffering soul in a dream who begged the saint to say Mass for him and a few other Holy Souls tomorrow, in order they can be released from their sufferings, or at least can give them great relieve from their agonies in Purgatory. The soul then revealed that he was his deceased friar friend Pellegrino. But the saint said he cannot offer that Mass for them because of an duty he had. With sighs and tears, Pellegrino asked the saint to at least go with him and see their sufferings. St Nicholas could not control his tears after witnessed those frightful state and those departed souls begging so sorrowfully for his help. So after obtained the permission from the Father Prior, St Nicholas offered Mass for those Holy Souls for a whole week, in addition to prayers, disciplines and good works. At the end of the week, this friar appeared to St Nicholas again, but this time he was enveloped in light and dressed in white, and showed him many other happy Souls. They expressed their gratitude before raised heavenward to the Eternal Home. But what about ourselves? If we help those Holy Souls, what will we receive in return? St Gertrude also has the same question towards the end of her life, because she has dedicate all her good works for the Holy Souls and left nothing for herself. But in the middle of all these fears that she will end up suffering terribly from the Divine Justice after she died, Jesus appeared and comforted her. He told her that He was very pleased with her donated all her works generously to the faithful departed and her charity towards the Holy Souls will not cause her any harm. Jesus declared to St Gertrude that not only He removed all the pains she was meant to suffer in the next life, as well as increase the values of her work's merits thus giving her much more glory in Heaven. Therefore, pray for them. Especially for your own deceased family members and friends, it doesn't have to be just in November, but can be anytime during the year. At the end of the day, who will remember them as good as you do?
(References: www.salvemariaregina.info/SMR-189/ Tolentino.htm Fr F X Schouppe, 'Purgatory explained by the lives and legends of the Saints', Tan Books and Publisher, 2006)