Your invisible friend & guardian 2
Indeed, God made you, not just mere human beings as part of His Creation, but gave you a body and soul that is unique to you. God Loves you, and how happy it is if you realised you are being loved. A lovely Holy Angel sent by God to be always by your side, dedicate to you and you only, so you are not alone. But what can my Guardian Angel do for me? Ven Fulton J. Sheen said the two function that concerned man is illumination and being a guardian: "An Angel can illumine our mind in the way of truth and also infuse good ideals... but I believe also that an Angel sometimes when we do wrong stirs up our souls causes a little bit of anxiety - you worry and fear. So that if we're not going to God with a path of goodness the Angel will worry us until we throw ourselves back again to God." He also told us a real story about the Angel as a guardian: "A Jewish soldier told me this story: during a battle, he was with four men in a trench, and it seems as if this particular shell that hit killed the four men, he alone was saved. He said he heard a voice saying to him: “Get out of this trench.” He crawled on his stomach across the mud to another shell hole and as he did the shell exploded in the one that he left. In the second hole, the second time he heard the voice and he left that and the shell exploded there. And that continued five times. The Jew afterwards told me: “For the first time in my life, I began to feel the protection of God through an Angel.”" For Padre Pio, towards the end of his life he frequently spoke with affection of his Guardian Angel as "the companion of my infancy." This was no exaggeration, as there are countless recorded incidents in which angels took an active part in his life. His Guardian Angel was not only the companion of his childhood in the semblance of another child, but helped him in his novitiate year, with his studies and in preparation for the priesthood. He led him on the way of extraordinary holiness, and was near him during the assaults of the devils. One of the most interesting tasks that Padre Pio gave his Angel was to help him reading languages. His confessor tested him in this regard by writing to him in Greek and French, which he did not understand either language and upon being questioned on how he was able to read the letters so well he candidly replied: "You know, my Guardian Angel explains everything to me." Truly, there are Holy Angels near you to guide you and protect you, and your Guardian Angel is a much closer friend than you think, but have you ever thought of them and invoke them? (To be continued)
Source & Reference: Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, TV series: "Life is worth living", originally aired from 1952-1957 Bro Francis M Kalvelage, F.I., "Padre Pio, the Wonder Worker", Academy of the Immaculate, 2009