Catholic C: Why do we honour Mary as our Heavenly Queen?
Catholic B: The Holy Church justly honours the great Virgin Mary, and would have her honoured by all men with the glorious title of queen, because she has been elevated to the dignity of mother of the King of kings - Jesus. As St Athanasius said, if the Son is king, his mother must necessarily be considered and entitled queen. St Arnold, also said, if the flesh of Mary was the flesh of Jesus, how can the mother be separated from the Son in his kingdom? In addition, Mary, being full of all graces, excelled each saint in every kind of virtue: she was the apostle of the apostles; she was queen of the martyrs, for she suffered more than all of them; she was the standard-bearer of the virgins, the model of spouses; she united in herself a perfect innocence with a perfect mortification. What is more, Mary loved God more than all the angels... Since we are certain that God rewards according to merit, Mary who excelled in merit all, both men and angels, must have been exalted above all the celestial orders. Just as the splendour of the sun exceeds the splendour of all stars united, the glory Mary exceeds that of all the blessed and she has been exalted above all the angels in heaven. Yes, she sees no one above her but her Son. Therefore when we meditate on the fifth Glorious Mystery in the Holy Rosary, we remember Mary crowned by the Blessed Trinity after her glorious Assumption as Queen of heaven and earth, a mediatrix and advocate for human beings.
(Reference: 'The Glories of Mary' by St Alphonsus Liguori)