The word “epiphany” comes from the Greek epiphainen, a verb that means "to shine upon," "to manifest," or “to make known.” Thus, this Solemnity celebrates the many ways that Christ has made Himself known to the world. In Pope Francis’ Epiphany homily last year, he said that if the Magi had remained comfortable, they never would have encountered the Lord in Bethlehem. The Pope also said: “The purpose of everything is not to achieve a personal goal or to receive glory for ourselves, but to encounter God. To let ourselves be enveloped by his love, which is the basis of our hope, which sets us free from evil, opens our hearts to love others, and makes us a people capable of building a more just and fraternal world”.
Blessed Epiphany Chalk
will be available this weekend for parishioners to take, as part of blessing one’s home in the New Year.
(Chalk & Blessing Prayer can be found in front of the Crib)