It is one of the oldest Days of Special Prayer in England and Wales, established 175 years ago in 1848. It provides an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks to all involved in making Catholic schools places of enlightenment, as well as to look forward in anticipation of the year ahead.
This year's theme is drawn from its Gospel reading of Mark 7:31-37: He makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak. Pope Francis said: ‘Jesus revealed to us the secret of a miracle that we too can imitate, becoming protagonists of “Ephphatha”, of that phrase “be opened” with which He gave speech and hearing back to the deaf and dumb man. ‘It means opening ourselves to the needs of our brothers and sisters who are suffering and in need of help, by shunning selfishness and hardheartedness. It is precisely the heart, that is the deep core of the person, that Jesus came to “open”, to free, in order to make us capable of fully living the relationship with God and with others. Catholic education in Church schools and universities endeavours to acknowledge Jesus’ loving presence in the lives of young people as they work, learn, pray, grow in character and virtue, and discover their vocation.
Education Sunday can be the reminder to all members of the Catholic community of the importance of education to the Catholic mission.
(CBCEW & Catholic Education Service)