The Jubilee Indulgence
It has a focus on pilgrimage as “Pilgrims of Hope”. Plenary indulgences obtained during the Jubilee Year can also be applied to souls in purgatory
making it possible to obtain two plenary indulgences in a day with one being applied to the deceased. The indulgence can be obtained by
completing any of the following acts (works) as part of the usual conditions (see blue writings below) :
Make pilgrimage to any designated Jubilee site and perform pious acts
Making a pious visit to a listed sacred place
Performing works of mercy
Undertaking penances
Taking part in popular missions, spiritual exercises, or formation activities
The usual conditions for obtaining an indulgence are:
♦ Detachment from sin i.e. must detest sin including venial (minor) sin
♦ Complete some form of work that includes a physical task (these are usually decided in advance by the Apostolic Penitentiary of the Church)
make a profession of faith (usually the Nicene Creed or the Apostles Creed)
♦ Offer prayers for the intentions for the Holy Father (usually an Our Father and Hail Mary)
♦ Make a sacramental Confession*
♦ Receive Holy Communion (usually at Mass, if able)* * Usually within 15 days before or after the completion of the prescribed work.
Although it is recommended that it is better to make Confession before the work to be in a state of grace.
Jubilee resources are available from Archdiocese website: