Advent marks the time of preparation for all of us as we are getting ourselves ready to celebrate Christmas. It is also a time of recollection and realignment in our lives that we may truly be ready and worthy to do so, not the worldly ways, but rather the true Christmas - the celebration of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus, as we welcome Him into our midst, to dwell among us and be with us. Through Him we have seen the love that God has for each one of us.
On this First Sunday of Advent, we focus on the Theme of Hope, the Hope that we have in Christ, Whose birth we commemorate this coming Christmas season. Throughout the Scripture readings today, we can clearly see this Hope being presented, as the Hope for the people of God Who were expecting the coming of God’s Saviour and liberation, just as He has proclaimed and promised to them, throughout time, again and again, from prophets to prophets, and messengers to messengers. It is this Hope that the people were holding onto firmly even as they suffered throughout all those years, humiliated and enduring hardships.
Our Archdiocesan Marriage & Family Life team has produced a booklet to help families celebrate Advent at home: https://rcadc.org/mfl/parenting/