A Parish of the ArchDiocese of Cardiff



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By Webmaster March 21, 2025
Mary meets Jesus on His Way to Calvary Oh most sorrowful Mother, when you heard your Son has been sentenced to death, how your heart grieved at this news. Your Son was not being persecuted by the Roman ruler, but by your very own people! They all wanted Him to die - "Persecuted him! Persecuted him!" Where are all the people whom Jesus has cured, where is everyone whom has seen His Miracles, what about the ones whom He fed? There was nobody there willing to stand up for Him. All the faces you saw was full of anger, criticism, despising. And you, Our Lady, your first reaction was not hitting back those ungrateful ones, neither holding grudges towards them, nor to try to help Jesus to escape from His unjust sentence. Instead, you just want to get closer to Him, to hold Him, to support and console Him in the midst of His Sufferings, as you see God's Will in all these… Even soldiers' chase away, the jeering and scorning, the sight of the torturing instruments cannot deter you from going towards His direction. And behold, who is this figure on the ground? Your Beloved Son was unrecognizable and so frightful to look at. As His face is covered with Blood dripping down from the crown of thorns, His forehead was burning with fever and sweating, His eyes were blurred with Blood and tears as He looked into your eyes so helplessly. You want to hold Him but at the same time you worried that you may hurt Him even more as His Body has been intensely scourged all over and His Head was crowned with sharp thorns. Your eyes, were streamed with tears at this sight. 'My Son!' is what you can uttered. This most sorrowful meeting, would not have happened if it was not because of His Passion for our sake. It is only until John and the women led you away that you have to depart from Him. Your sorrows even moved the heart of a stone, as the impressions from your hands and knees were left on the stone that you sank... (Reference: The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations, Vol 4 Chap 39)
By Webmaster March 21, 2025
Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord  Tuesday 25 March Mass at 10am All are welcome “Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women!”
By Webmaster March 21, 2025
“Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig round it and put on manure. Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.” (Luke 13:8-9) O God, author of every mercy and of all goodness, who in fasting, prayer and almsgiving have shown us a remedy for sin, look graciously on this confession of our lowliness, that we, who are bowed down by our conscience, may always be lifted up by your mercy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,  God, for ever and ever. Amen.
By Webmaster March 15, 2025
During the Annunciation, when Angel Gabriel told Mary: "Hail, you that are highly favoured! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women.", and Mary responded to God's Invitation with her 'fiat'. Would you think that being the Mother of God means that she became more superior than others and from then on it will be a 'happily ever after'? No. In fact, quite the opposite, because 'Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.' (Matt 23:12) Since then, Our Lady, when she was on earth, together with Our Blessed Lord, lived in the most sorrowful life until the day she died: From her long and hard journey to Bethlehem even though she was heavily pregnant, being rejected by every household that they wished to stay; to ending up sheltered in a dark cold cave with the animals and gave birth to her Son in a stable. From receiving the heartpiercing prophecy from Simeon which stayed in her mind for the rest of her life; follow by setting off on another harder, much more longer, life-threatening journey across the desert to go to Egypt, with Baby Jesus still being carried in her arms, in order to escape from the hands of Herod; to became a refugee in Egypt for 7 long years. From discovered that her Child has gone missing and went to search for Him for three days, to being a young widow after St Joseph died. From being separated from her only Child as He went to began to ministry, to tolerating the criticisms and despising from others and the locals about her beloved Son. But her sorrow reached its peak during her Son's Passion. Yet in every trials and sufferings, her action resonated her 'fiat' to God, until the very end. She closely took part in the Works of Salvation, by uniting her pain and sorrow with the Merits of her Son. This Lent, let our penitential mind recall the Passion of Christ, whom suffered the unimaginable for our sake, but also remember this sorrowful Mother, who in her free will, offered her pain for us. Let what they have done for us be our strength and courage to truly reject the sins in our lives, and let their examples be the comfort and consolation in our own sufferings. Let's accompany Mary to meditate on Jesus' Passion, who both love us so much, as their own little children.

Welcome to St. Peter's Cardiff

We are delighted to welcome you to the parish website of St Peter's Catholic Church - one of the oldest surviving Roman Catholic churches in Cardiff; administered by the Rosminians, otherwise known as the Institute of Charity. Our church is home to worshippers from diverse cultures and backgrounds; and we welcome all those seeking to come to know our Lord Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.

Welcome to St. Peter's Cardiff

We are delighted to welcome you to the parish website. of St Peter's Catholic Church - one of the oldest surviving Roman Catholic churches in Cardiff; administered by the Rosminians, otherwise known as the Institute of Charity. Our church is home to worshippers from diverse cultures and backgrounds, and we welcome all those seeking to know our saviour Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.




By Webmaster October 23, 2020
For information the Sunday and Wednesday Mass here at St Peters Church in Cardiff will be recorded via our youtube channel, for those who wish to view the Mass at a later time (or live if required) Click Here for the Youtube Channel



  • Mass on Weekend

    Saturday [Vigil]: 5:30PM

    Sunday: 09:30am

    Sunday: 11:30am

  • Weekday Mass

    Monday           10:00am

    Tuesday           10:00am

    Wednesday    10:00am

    Thursday        10:00am

    Friday               10:00am

    Please check with Newsletter as sometimes these timings have to be changed (e.g. Requiems etc.)

By Webmaster July 16, 2022
St. Peter's, Cardiff is open for Mass daily. The Rosminian Community welcomes all visitors to the parish



By Webmaster October 23, 2020
For information the Sunday and Wednesday Mass here at St Peters Church in Cardiff will be recorded via our youtube channel, for those who wish to view the Mass at a later time (or live if required) Click Here for the Youtube Channel



  • Mass on Weekend

    Saturday [Vigil]: 5:30PM

    Sunday: 09:30am

    Sunday: 11:30am

  • Weekday Mass

    Monday           10:00am

    Tuesday           10:00am

    Wednesday    10:00am

    Thursday        10:00am

    Friday               10:00am

    Please check with Newsletter as sometimes these timings have to be changed (e.g. Requiems etc.)

Countdown finished!


By Webmaster July 16, 2022
St. Peter's, Cardiff is open for Mass daily. The Rosminian Community welcomes all visitors to the parish

Quote of the week

"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time - Author unknown
Parish News

Parish News

Our very latest news updates and information about Parish activities.

By Webmaster March 15, 2025
Opening Times Saturday : Before and after 5.30pm Mass Sunday : Before and after 9.30am Mass until 11.30am Mass begins We have a selection of Easter cards, Mother’s Day cards and gifts,  items for Jubilee Year and Bl Carlo Acutis, and more.
By Webmaster March 8, 2025
Eucharistic Adoration from Monday to Friday after 10am Weekday Mass until 11.30am On Friday is the Rosary for Life 11am - 11.30am
By Webmaster February 1, 2025
Friday 14th February St David Cathedral, Cardiff For full details of the schedule, please visit: https://rcadc.org/blessed-carlo-acutis-relic-tovisit-cardiff-menevia/ Blessed Carlo will be proclaimed a Saint by Pope Francis in Rome on 27th April 2025.
By Webmaster January 11, 2025
A candlelit vigil for peace throughout the world is to be held on Sunday 26th January at 6pm , in St Peter’s Church. Please attend if you can.
By Webmaster November 16, 2024
This group of parishioners will offer help and support to families that have suffered the death of a loved one. The process of Bereavement experienced by such families is a very difficult one that cannot be avoided. It is a time when they need all the support and help that they can get from relatives, friends and the wider community. The task of the Bereavement Group is to offer this support and help on behalf of the Parish community. We see the need and would like to set up a group. If you wish to know more, please add your name to a list at the back of church .  Thank you.
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More News

Parish Priest Notices

Important notices and items. These will contain news elements & important requests and parish notices

By Webmaster November 30, 2024
Parish night shelter is due to open again on Friday 6 December, and those Parishioners who have been night shelter volunteers in the past will be asked via email if they are available again. Other Parishioners who are interested in volunteering are asked to write their names and contact details on the list at the back of Church. Many thanks.
By Webmaster August 24, 2024
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING  Tuesday 27th August 7pm Front room of the Presbytery All are welcome If you have any topics to discuss and are unable to attend please email the Parish
By Webmaster January 13, 2024
In the footsteps of Blessed Antonio Rosmini 13-23 May 2024 For booking and more info please see leaflets at back of Church.
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By Webmaster September 6, 2024
St Peter's is taking part in the Cadw Open Doors event this September. It will provide a chance for the public and our parishioners to visit our Church,  learn more about its history, music and community. There will be guided tours, music, children’s quizzes, tea and coffee. We will be open: Friday 13th September Saturday 14th September Friday 20th September Saturday 21st September 10.30am to 4.30pm All are very welcome Please let family, friends & neighbours know
By Webmaster June 1, 2024
New Lectionary In Advent, the Parishes will be using a new Lectionary — for Mass Readings. There will be four new volumes commissioned by the Bishops and printed by the CTS. They will cost £695, each volume £174. If a parishioner would like to dedicate a volume in memory of a relative, their name will be inscribed on a dedication page

Parish / Diocesan

By Webmaster March 21, 2025
Some young people in our Archdiocese are going to the Canonisation of Bl Carlo Acutis in Rome. We are asked to make a contribution to cover their cost. There is a second collection this weekend.
By Webmaster March 15, 2025
Sunday 13 April 6pm St Peter’s Church  Peaceful service of music & Lent readings led by the 9.30am Sunday Mass music group
By Webmaster March 15, 2025
STATIONS of the CROSS  Every Friday during LENT at 6pm Different versions of meditations and prayers will be said each week
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Diocesan News
By Webmaster March 21, 2025
Some young people in our Archdiocese are going to the Canonisation of Bl Carlo Acutis in Rome. We are asked to make a contribution to cover their cost. There is a second collection this weekend.
By Webmaster February 1, 2025
(for Year 9 students to university age) 15th March 2025 The Cardiff-Menevia Youth will be led by Father Martin Donnelly. Cost: £31, which inc. transport (please bring packed lunch) Please sign up by Friday 21 February through link: https://forms.gle/6bD2kM3hfQv2sFjC9 or scan poster’s QR code in Church porch. For further details contact: Fr Martin Donnelly on olqpllanelli@btinternet.com or Deacon Christian Mahoney on youth@rcadc.org 07764515864
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