A Parish of the ArchDiocese of Cardiff



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By Webmaster 12 Oct, 2024
Blessings of the Hail Mary & the Rosary  This heavenly Salutation can give us the blessings of Jesus and Mary bountifully, because it is a certain truth that those who glorify Jesus and Mary will be rewarded generously. "I love those who love me...that I may give wealth to those who love me. I fill their treasuries." (Proverbs 8:17,21) Thus Jesus and Mary also say to us: "The one who sow blessings will also reap blessings." (2 Corinthians 9:6) So if we say the Hail Mary with devotion, we are loving, blessing and glorifying Jesus and Mary. Since in each Hail Mary we say "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.". Therefore, Mary, our Queen of Heaven, would never let us honour her without repaying us a hundred times more. Yes, the Rosary can bestow upon us uncountable blessings: sinners received forgiveness, thirst are refreshed, fettered set free, weep find delight, tempted find tranquility, needy received help, pains of the departed relieved by suffrages...Our Heavenly Mother told Blessed Alan that She wants those who are devoted to Her Rosary to have Her Son's grace and blessing during their lifetime, at their death and after death. She also wants them to be liberated from all kinds of slavery so that they will be like kings with crowns on heads and scepters in hands, in eternal glory. (Reference: ‘The secret of the rosary’, by St Louis Marie de Montfort)
By Webmaster 12 Oct, 2024
This is an important opportunity for us all to direct our thoughts and prayers to the needs of prisoners and their families, and those who work to support our brothers and sisters affected by the criminal justice system. The number of people in prison in England and Wales is increasing and our prisons are in crisis. In our communities there are more children and families who have a loved one in prison and who may be struggling with stigma, isolation and perhaps hardship, as a result. Pact is the national Catholic charity working to support prisoners, people with convictions, and children and families. Its work is deeply rooted in Catholic Social Teaching, and continues to restore hope and dignity to thousands of people affected by imprisonment. Staff and volunteers work in 68 prisons across England and Wales. Their care and practical support help people in prison stay connected with their families. For more information, please visit: www.prisonadvice.org.uk/faith/events/ prisoners-sunday/
By Webmaster 12 Oct, 2024
‘There is one thing you lack. Go and sell everything you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’  (Mark 10:21)
By Webmaster 27 Sep, 2024
Holy Rosary will be held in Our Lady’s Garden at St Peter’s every Sunday in October at 10:45am All are welcome!

Welcome to St. Peter's Cardiff

We are delighted to welcome you to the parish website of St Peter's Catholic Church - one of the oldest surviving Roman Catholic churches in Cardiff; administered by the Rosminians, otherwise known as the Institute of Charity. Our church is home to worshippers from diverse cultures and backgrounds; and we welcome all those seeking to come to know our Lord Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.

Welcome to St. Peter's Cardiff

We are delighted to welcome you to the parish website. of St Peter's Catholic Church - one of the oldest surviving Roman Catholic churches in Cardiff; administered by the Rosminians, otherwise known as the Institute of Charity. Our church is home to worshippers from diverse cultures and backgrounds, and we welcome all those seeking to know our saviour Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church.




By Webmaster 23 Oct, 2020
For information the Sunday and Wednesday Mass here at St Peters Church in Cardiff will be recorded via our youtube channel, for those who wish to view the Mass at a later time (or live if required) Click Here for the Youtube Channel



  • Mass on Weekend

    Saturday [Vigil]: 5:30PM

    Sunday: 09:30am

    Sunday: 11:30am

  • Weekday Mass

    Monday           10:00am

    Tuesday           10:00am

    Wednesday    10:00am

    Thursday        10:00am

    Friday               10:00am

    Please check with Newsletter as sometimes these timings have to be changed (e.g. Requiems etc.)

By Webmaster 16 Jul, 2022
St. Peter's, Cardiff is open for Mass daily. The Rosminian Community welcomes all visitors to the parish



By Webmaster 23 Oct, 2020
For information the Sunday and Wednesday Mass here at St Peters Church in Cardiff will be recorded via our youtube channel, for those who wish to view the Mass at a later time (or live if required) Click Here for the Youtube Channel



  • Mass on Weekend

    Saturday [Vigil]: 5:30PM

    Sunday: 09:30am

    Sunday: 11:30am

  • Weekday Mass

    Monday           10:00am

    Tuesday           10:00am

    Wednesday    10:00am

    Thursday        10:00am

    Friday               10:00am

    Please check with Newsletter as sometimes these timings have to be changed (e.g. Requiems etc.)

Countdown finished!


By Webmaster 16 Jul, 2022
St. Peter's, Cardiff is open for Mass daily. The Rosminian Community welcomes all visitors to the parish

Quote of the week

"The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time - Author unknown
Parish News

Parish News

Our very latest news updates and information about Parish activities.

By Webmaster 27 Sep, 2024
29 September 2024 'God walks with His people' The Holy Father said in his Papal message: “...Many migrants experience God as their traveling companion, guide and anchor of salvation. They entrust themselves to him before setting out and seek him in times of need. In him, they find consolation in moments of discouragement. Thanks to him, there are good Samaritans along the way. In prayer, they confide their hopes to him… God not only walks with his people, but also within them, in the sense that he identifies himself with men and women on their journey through history, particularly with the least, the poor and the marginalised. In this we see an extension of the mystery of the Incarnation. For this reason, the encounter with the migrant, as with every brother and sister in need, “is also an encounter with Christ. He himself said so. It is he who knocks on our door, hungry, thirsty, an outsider, naked, sick and imprisoned, asking to be met and assisted”...on this day dedicated to migrants and refugees, let us unite in prayer for all those who have had to leave their land in search of dignified living conditions. May we journey together with them…” (CBCEW)
By Webmaster 21 Sep, 2024
Opening Times Saturday: Before and after 5.30pm Mass Sunday: Before and after 9.30am Mass until 11.30am Mass begins We have a large selection of Christmas cards and gifts available
By Webmaster 21 Sep, 2024
The Harvest, the Fruits of Human Work, and the Reverent Use of Creation The Church has long celebrated the agricultural harvest. This intention also includes all human work. In all circumstances of human life there are choices to be made regarding the environment and our reverent stewardship of the God's gift of creation. "The external deserts in the world are growing, because the internal deserts have become so vast. Therefore the earth's treasures no longer serve to build God's garden for all to live in, but they have been made to serve the powers of exploitation and destruction." (Benedict XVI, homily at Inaugural Mass, 2005) O Lord, good Father, who in your providence have entrusted the earth to the human race, grant, we pray, that with the fruits harvested from it we may be able to sustain life and, with your help, always use them. (Roman Missal)  (Liturgy Office of England & Wales)
By Webmaster 06 Sep, 2024
Sunday 15th September 2024 3pm Roath Park Lake (Meet at the Clock Tower) Please phone 02920 405 942 for sponsor forms or just turn up on the day. The Walk is 10,000 steps for the now over 10 million unborn children killed under the UK’s 1967 Abortion Act.
By Webmaster 06 Sep, 2024
It is one of the oldest Days of Special Prayer in England and Wales, established 175 years ago in 1848. It provides an opportunity to celebrate and give thanks to all involved in making Catholic schools places of enlightenment, as well as to look forward in anticipation of the year ahead. This year's theme is drawn from its Gospel reading of Mark 7:31-37: He makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak. Pope Francis said: ‘Jesus revealed to us the secret of a miracle that we too can imitate, becoming protagonists of “Ephphatha”, of that phrase “be opened” with which He gave speech and hearing back to the deaf and dumb man. ‘It means opening ourselves to the needs of our brothers and sisters who are suffering and in need of help, by shunning selfishness and hardheartedness. It is precisely the heart, that is the deep core of the person, that Jesus came to “open”, to free, in order to make us capable of fully living the relationship with God and with others. Catholic education in Church schools and universities endeavours to acknowledge Jesus’ loving presence in the lives of young people as they work, learn, pray, grow in character and virtue, and discover their vocation. Education Sunday can be the reminder to all members of the Catholic community of the importance of education to the Catholic mission. (CBCEW & Catholic Education Service)
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More News

Parish Priest Notices

Important notices and items. These will contain news elements & important requests and parish notices

By Webmaster 24 Aug, 2024
PARISH COUNCIL MEETING  Tuesday 27th August 7pm Front room of the Presbytery All are welcome If you have any topics to discuss and are unable to attend please email the Parish
By Webmaster 27 Jan, 2024
Many thanks to those parishioners who have volunteered to take part in the Night Shelter project. Your response has been terrific. More information about rotas and other details will be sent out shortly. Please keep the Night Shelter in your prayers. Any enquiries contact Peter Sullivan 07906 10 10 15 SECOND COLLECTION There will be a second collection this weekend again for funds to cover costs for the Night Shelter.
By Webmaster 13 Jan, 2024
In the footsteps of Blessed Antonio Rosmini 13-23 May 2024 For booking and more info please see leaflets at back of Church.
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By Webmaster 06 Sep, 2024
St Peter's is taking part in the Cadw Open Doors event this September. It will provide a chance for the public and our parishioners to visit our Church,  learn more about its history, music and community. There will be guided tours, music, children’s quizzes, tea and coffee. We will be open: Friday 13th September Saturday 14th September Friday 20th September Saturday 21st September 10.30am to 4.30pm All are very welcome Please let family, friends & neighbours know
By Webmaster 01 Jun, 2024
New Lectionary In Advent, the Parishes will be using a new Lectionary — for Mass Readings. There will be four new volumes commissioned by the Bishops and printed by the CTS. They will cost £695, each volume £174. If a parishioner would like to dedicate a volume in memory of a relative, their name will be inscribed on a dedication page

Parish / Diocesan

By Webmaster 12 Oct, 2024
This is an important opportunity for us all to direct our thoughts and prayers to the needs of prisoners and their families, and those who work to support our brothers and sisters affected by the criminal justice system. The number of people in prison in England and Wales is increasing and our prisons are in crisis. In our communities there are more children and families who have a loved one in prison and who may be struggling with stigma, isolation and perhaps hardship, as a result. Pact is the national Catholic charity working to support prisoners, people with convictions, and children and families. Its work is deeply rooted in Catholic Social Teaching, and continues to restore hope and dignity to thousands of people affected by imprisonment. Staff and volunteers work in 68 prisons across England and Wales. Their care and practical support help people in prison stay connected with their families. For more information, please visit: www.prisonadvice.org.uk/faith/events/ prisoners-sunday/
By Webmaster 12 Oct, 2024
‘There is one thing you lack. Go and sell everything you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.’  (Mark 10:21)
By Webmaster 27 Sep, 2024
Holy Rosary will be held in Our Lady’s Garden at St Peter’s every Sunday in October at 10:45am All are welcome!
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Diocesan News
By Webmaster 24 Aug, 2024
Archdiocese of Cardiff & Diocese of Menevia Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome 16th – 20th June 2025 Price: £1,030pp sharing a twin room on a half board basis. Single rooms at a supplement of £70. Price included return airfare with baggage, accommodation, transport, gratuities and all entrance fees. Deposit of £300 and completed booking form required by 16th September 2024. For itinerary and booking form, please visit: www.rcadc.org/join-us-for-the-2025- jubilee-pilgrimage-to-rome/
By Webmaster 01 Jun, 2024
YOUTH SUMMER EVENT July 24th–28th Are you 14-18 year olds (in Year 9-13)? The Cardiff & Menevia Youth Council is offering you a few days away in beautiful St David’s, Pembrokeshire to relax, pray, talk, walk, eat & have fun together. £250 for 4 nights at St David’s Bunkhouses, including coach travel and all meals. For more info, email: youth@rcadc.org
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